Warrigal Greens Seed Growing Kit

Warrigal Greens Seed Growing Kit

Regular price $25.00 Unit price per
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About as foolproof as you can get, this Warrigal Greens seed tin kit is outfitted with everything you'll need to start growing Warrigal Greens leaves by the tin load. This kit has all the info in a neat easy-to-follow instruction booklet so you can follow along without any issue. Comes equipped with all you need, just BYO sunshine and water.

It's a cute gift solution, but make sure to save the seeds from your harvest so you'll have plants for years to come!

Perfect year-round plant for warmer areas.


  • Non-GMO seeds
  • Reusable tin
  • Coco disks
  • Biodegradable sewing pots
  • Full care and harvest guide
  • Recipes and ideas

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